Provider and thus party responsible for the business and commercial website within the meaning of paragraph 5 of the Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz TMG) in its role as the core law of the Electronic Commerce Standardization Act (Elektronischer-Geschäftsverkehr-Vereinheitlichungsgesetz ElGVG), and the Act Establishing the General Conditions for Information and Communication Services (Gesetz zur Regelung der Rahmenbedingungen für Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste IuKDG) is WEVO-CHEMIE GmbH, represented by COO Daniel Thomas.
Information according to paragraph 2 article 1 of the Information Service Obligations Regulation (Dienstleistungs-Informationspflichten-Verordnung DL-InfoV):
Publisher & service provider:
This website consists of information provided by:
Schönbergstr. 14
73760 Ostfildern-Kemnat
Phone +49 711 167 61-0
Fax +49 711 167 61-544
Executive Board: Jochen Frank, Marcus Rausch, Daniel Thomas
Registration Office: Local Court of Stuttgart
Registration Number: HRB 213899
VAT Number: DE 812988009 (according to paragraph 27a Value-Added Tax Act, Umsatzsteuergesetz)
A company owned by Dr. Neidlinger Holding GmbH:
Responsible for the content in accordance with § 55 section 2 RStV:
Harald Isenmann